Quality Goals


The 2018-2019 school year 

  1. 90% of students responding with satisfaction about the quality of support services.
  2. Implementing 01 active program for the Alumni Club and the Academic Club.
  3. 90% of graduates getting a job right after 1st-year graduation.
  4. 100% subjects of the Finance and Accounting Faculty deployed E-learning at level 1.
  5. 01 university scientific research, 08 articles published in both domestic and international magazines.
  6. Adjusting the curriculum program both accounting major and finance-banking major to OBE output standards.
  7. Implementing 01 students or lecturers exchange programs with a foreign university.
  8. Implementing 01 international cooperation program.
  9. Implementing an active program for business lecturers.
  10. 90% of students responding with satisfaction about teaching operation of lecturers in the Finance – Accounting Faculty.
  11. Training on practical practice in the enterprise at least 4 subjects.

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